ABiL has a team of scientists and research developers that specialize in developing custom and standard scientific software to address all of your needs. Our portfolio of successful software development projects is diverse and includes scalable algorithm development, rapid dashboard development, and novel bioinformatics pipeline development. Some of these projects are showcased below.
We work with you to understand your needs and provide free consultations prior to starting any work so that you get a a sense of the time and cost commitments. If you have a scientific software development need, please contact us.
Scalable Algorithm Development
We understand that the traditional bioinformatics methods were not designed to accommodate the ever growing size and number of genomic datasets in biology. At ABiL, we specialize in developing novel bioinformatics algorithms that are fast and have a low memory footprint to handle data analysis at scale, obviating the need to buy expensive hardware. Our flagship scalable algorithms can be found below:
Human ancestry analysis coming soon...
Human Ancestry
Rapid Dashboard Development
We have extensive skillsets and experience in developing dashboards and web platforms to host your scientific analyses and results. Some examples of our recent dashboard developments include
Novel Bioinformatics Pipelines
Over the last decade, we have built a number of bioinformatics pipelines for analyzing a wide variety of omics datasets. Many of these development efforts have entailed developing novel approaches to effectively handle data analysis. Some of our recent publicly accessible pipelines include